This toolkit provides information about data capture for diversity and inclusion, as well as how the in-house legal department can work towards diversity.

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The business case for document automation has never been stronger. With the ongoing shortfall in the talent market and the increasing pressure to reduce costs, the use of technology solutions to improve business efficiencies is essential to successfully deliver more with less. 

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The business case for document automation has never been stronger. With the ongoing shortfall in the talent market and the increasing pressure to reduce costs, the use of technology solutions to improve business efficiencies is essential to successfully deliver more with less.

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You can’t turn into a practice area expert overnight. However, you can get there sooner by working smarter, not harder. Gain insights on effective knowledge gathering via this practical whitepaper.

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Paul v Mead is the first case to consider whether the Court has jurisdiction to determine the division of property between three people in a polyamorous relationship.

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As practising Lawyers we never thought we’d see the word ‘bubble’ feature in correspondence negotiating care arrangements or affidavits, let alone in minutes from Judges.

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