This toolkit provides information about data capture for diversity and inclusion, as well as how the in-house legal department can work towards diversity.

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The business case for document automation has never been stronger. With the ongoing shortfall in the talent market and the increasing pressure to reduce costs, the use of technology solutions to improve business efficiencies is essential to successfully deliver more with less. 

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The business case for document automation has never been stronger. With the ongoing shortfall in the talent market and the increasing pressure to reduce costs, the use of technology solutions to improve business efficiencies is essential to successfully deliver more with less.

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The Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW) states that to be an admitted lawyer, a person must be a “fit and proper” person. But what does this mean in practice?

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News of Barangaroo Crown Casino’s alleged non-compliance with AML/CTF laws late last year raises the perennial question of how to best regulate the gambling industry.

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If you want to be a successful law firm, you need to keep your clients happy — and one of the best ways to do that is by collaborating with your clients.
In fact, effective and continual lawyer-client collaboration and communication can help prevent a wide range of common client complaints.

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